
The latest veterinary articles on pet ownership, veterinary science and more.

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267 results

Welfare and Ethics

Australia’s new approach to tackling our billion-dollar pest animal and weed...

11 Jul 2017
A new Centre for Invasive Species Solutions replaced The Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre.
Australia’s new approach to tackling our billion-dollar pest animal and weed...


AVA welcomes our new president

11 Jul 2017
AVA’s new National President is Dr Paula Parker.
AVA welcomes our new president


What to do about thunderstorm phobia

11 Jul 2017
What to do about thunderstorm phobia

Unusual & Exotic Pets & Avian

Avian biochemistry & haematology

11 Jul 2017
Avian biochemistry & haematology

Welfare and Ethics

Emergency Animal Diseases Bulletin:...

11 Jul 2017
White-nose syndrome is a potential threat to Australian insectivorous bat populations.
Emergency Animal Diseases Bulletin:...


Going above and beyond for the...

11 Jul 2017
Ten veterinarians were recognised for their commitment to the profession and the Association.
Going above and beyond for the...


Finding our veterinary heroes

21 Nov 2013
The many different stories about historical veterinary figures in Australia.
Finding our veterinary heroes