
Looking for information and activities to complement your lessons on pets, animal welfare, responsible pet ownership or safety around animals? Then you have come to the right place.

Teachers can now access a wealth of content based on the AVA PetPEP key messages. There are 25 modules of content based on our five Key Messages. Each module contains relevant links, images, activities, and worksheets.

All worksheets can be accessed contextually in the particular module of work or directly on the activities page, through the link below.

There are over 60 printable worksheets aimed at various learning levels and related to relevant syllabus outcomes. For teachers, these are invaluable time savers and lesson enhancements.

AVA PetPEP has also produced a 12 page Junior Activity Booklet that features Key Message catch cries and a host of fun learning activities to reinforce the AVA PetPEP program.

The booklet is available to schools participating in the AVA PetPEP program. For more details contact your local AVA PetPEP representative.