Respect and care for animals
All animals deserve respect. When you own a pet, it not only deserves your respect, but it also relies on your care.
In the same way that you respect and care for your friends, your parents and your family, you need to do the same for your pet.
Treating your pet with kindness is a great way to show that you care for it.
Looking after its needs shows that you both respect and care for your pet.
Animals in the wild also need your respect and care. Remember, many wild animals are not used to human contact so you need to be aware that they can react quite differently to your household pet.
Duty of care
Having a duty of care for any animal that you are in charge of means you are legally obliged to care for it by providing for its needs in a reasonable way for:
- food and water
- accommodation or living conditions
- the display of normal behavioural patterns
- treatment of disease and injury
- handling of the animal.
The duty of care is based on the internationally-recognised ´five freedoms´ of animal welfare.
Freedom from Hunger and Thirst - By ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour
Freedom from Discomfort - By providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area
Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease - By prevention by rapid diagnosis and treatment.
Freedom to Express Normal Behaviour - By providing sufficient space, proper facilities, and the company of the animal's own kind.
Freedom from Fear and Distress - By ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering
Vets care
Vets dedicate their lives to helping, respecting and caring for animals.
Your vet assists in the care of pets and animals by giving advice on:
- How to choose the right pet and care for it
- How to feed your pet properly
- How to control parasites such as fleas, heartworm, and worms
- How to prevent or treat various illnesses and diseases
- Regular checkups and vaccinations
- Desexing of your pet
- Socialisation and training
- Treating your sick or injured pet